To explain our work, we have used the words ‘policy’ and ‘influencing’.
We describe policy as a set of rules or a plan that is used as a guide for action and decision making.
Policies can be changed. If you can achieve this, you have a better chance of achieving your goal. This is why influencing is so important.
We describe influencing as the power to change or affect someone or something. In our work this is usually a desired policy that will improve people’s lives. We also use words like campaigning, voice, and advocating, all these activities are about creating change.
We stand up for children, young people, and families. Their voices and views guide everything we say and do.
The families we work with face poverty, discrimination, and disadvantage. We work hard to understand the challenges and issues that matter most to them. Wherever we can, we look for opportunities for them to influence or participate in our work, and that of our partners, so that their voices are heard by government, law, and other decision makers in Scotland and beyond.
We are involved in a range of activity with the aim of influencing both policy and practice, and creating positive and lasting change for everyone we support. This includes: