
Statement from SallyAnn Kelly re Latest Drugs Death Statistics

22 Aug 2023

At Aberlour we offer our deepest sympathy to everyone who has lost a family member or loved one as result of drugs.

Today’s latest drugs deaths statistics show that still far too many people in Scotland are dying from avoidable drug related deaths.

However, the decrease in the number of deaths to its lowest level since 2017 does show that progress is beginning to be made in tackling the drugs deaths crisis.

The fact that people from the most deprived areas of Scotland are sixteen times more likely to die from drug misuse tells us that the most effective way to reduce drugs harm is to tackle poverty and disadvantage and associated harms that can arise.

What these statistics also show is a decrease in drugs related deaths occurred mostly amongst men with a far smaller reduction proportionately amongst women.

Therefore, we need to make sure there continues to be a focus on women specific services, and in particular for mothers and their children, to meet their needs and respond to the things that happen in their lives that result in drug use.

There must be continued commitment and investment from the Scottish Government to deliver interventions and services that we know work for as long they are needed.

For families living with addiction this means delivering more holistic whole family support services that help to reduce drugs harms by supporting families with the things they need, including emotional, practical and financial support.

It will also mean developing more specialist residential rehabilitation and recovery services for mums and their babies – such as Aberlour’s Mother and Child Recovery House in Dundee – across Scotland to provide the necessary help and support to Keep The Promise by helping to keep families together.
